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(2 edits)

For Foundry VTT don't use the grid configuration tool. Instead use these settings:

these are all great, any advice on getting them to line up exactly with roll 20? I can't seem to get the roll20 hexes to play nice with where the terrain seems like it's suppose to be.

Pull the image to the map layer, right click under Advanced and set "Is Drawing" and set dimensions to 2800x2800 pixels (assuming a Roll20 page with a 40x40 hex with 70 pixels for hexes).

got it to behave thank you. Also had to adjust which direction my hexes went, turns out the base lancer tokens expect Vertical hexs, and your maps want horizontal so that was a part of the problem. In anay case thank you


Would I be able to use these while acting as a professional/paid GM?


Yes. When I wrote "not to be used commercially", I mainly meant to not use them as assets in Unity games or reselling them etc.

These are super amazing! Thank you for the hard work! Are you planning to release more Lancer maps in the future?

Thanks! I'm still working on some stuff for more, but work and RL are currently keeping me busy, so they will be in progress for a while longer.

Arigathanks for the amazing work here.

Excited to use these! Thanks